Sherry Christmas Tree, Plaza de Arenal, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
My husband Brad and I are on the greatest adventure of our lives! We live in Rota Spain and are basically taking a European vacation for the next three years; so come along with us as we travel around Europe, live, learn and eventually get luvs.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Los Patios

Last weekend Brad and I took a trip out to Cordoba to the Los Patios festival. The festival was started back in 1918, but to understand the festival you need to know a little bit about Spanish architecture. Due to a hot, dry climate homes in Córdoba were built with a central patio even back in the days of the Romans. This tradition was continued by the Moors and persists in many homes even today. Filling the central patio with plants and water features has always been a way to keep local homes cool. But, thanks to human creativity and ingenuity, patio decoration ended up taking on a life all its own and at some point, someone realised that these hidden treasures were just too good to be kept tucked away behind heavy doors and iron grates. So, once a year, the doors open and everyone is invited in to see the wonders of Córdoba’s patios. We had a great time. And here are the pictures of adventure.

While we were wandering through the city, going from patio to patio we snapped some great shots of the beautiful city.

The last sight that we took in was the Mesquita, it is now a cathedral but was first used as a Mosque in the time that Cordoba was ruled by the Moors.

It was a great trip, and we will definitely go back again next year!